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论坛 绩效 rullyforex

rullyforex Verified real account

利润: 68.74% 交易开始日期: 03/23/2011
浮动亏损: 41.80% 绝对亏损: 1.59%
总点数: 966 绩效类型: Real
交易: Manual
22/07/2011 05:15 PM
happypips Hostedslavebeta

帖子: 2
入会日期: 12/07/2011

Do you use S/L in your trade? Or it is hidden. I didn't see.

22/07/2011 06:48 PM
Sasha User

帖子: 836
入会日期: 16/05/2011

I think it is not used. Hidden things are shown with a "lock" symbol

23/07/2011 11:39 AM
Champ User

帖子: 711
入会日期: 17/05/2011

Even though he is not using SL, his drawdown level is less than 10%. SL is good to use but sometimes traders use other indicators to stop their trades. They prefer not to use SL. Rully forex has performed very well. I would like to ask him about his trading style.

23/07/2011 12:14 PM

帖子: 31
入会日期: 09/07/2011

Originally posted by happypips

Hi,Do you use S/L in your trade? Or it is hidden. I didn't see. Thanks,

Hi, I never use SL so far (unless it is required) but I dont think I will use it because it will cut my money :). Better you wait and manage it while the price is walking around :)

rullyforex to win you must equip full knowledge, and the most important is control yourself

23/07/2011 10:47 PM
CheckDavid User

帖子: 124
入会日期: 17/07/2011

Originally posted by superpredict

Originally posted by happypips
Hi,Do you use S/L in your trade? Or it is hidden. I didn't see. Thanks,

 Hi, I never use SL so far (unless it is required) but I dont think I will use it because it will cut my money :). Better you wait and manage it while the price is walking around :)

And... do you  plan to provide signals through fxstat?

Check Me At

24/07/2011 12:26 AM

帖子: 31
入会日期: 09/07/2011

Hi all,
Since I am a newbie here, I dont know how to provide signal here...I think you just follow my journal. Is that correct? or is there anything that I can do in order me can provide signal? Basically, yes I provide signal but I dont know how for sure.
However, sometimes, I dont trades on that day because that day is not good for trading. I trade only if the momentum is right. If you see my total trades, that trades is categorized as little transaction. But, managable profit. :)

rullyforex to win you must equip full knowledge, and the most important is control yourself

24/07/2011 08:40 PM
Richde User

帖子: 114
入会日期: 11/01/2011

Very nice performance! You can provide signals via Tradebook, I am sure a lot of traders would follow your trading so let me quote the procedure:
First and most important of all, you need to have a real trading account with real money that you connect with your FxStat account and to prove that you can have a good performance. To qualify for this programme you need": 1. Minimum of 10-15% annual return on investment in your Forex account. 2. Verified real account 3. Profitable performance during the minimum last 90 days with risk adjusted performance 4. Average pip/trade over 5-10 5. Stop loss set for each trade 6. Due diligence on trading discipline and style Once you meet our requirements, your name will be published on FxStat Tradebook list of providers and others can start following you.

Keep it simple stupid

24/07/2011 08:54 PM
CheckDavid User

帖子: 124
入会日期: 17/07/2011

Originally posted by Richde

Very nice performance! You can provide signals via Tradebook, I am sure a lot of traders would follow your trading so let me quote the procedure:First and most important of all, you need to have a real trading account with real money that you connect with your FxStat account and to prove that you can have a good performance. To qualify for this programme you need": 1. Minimum of 10-15% annual return on investment in your Forex account. 2. Verified real account 3. Profitable performance during the minimum last 90 days with risk adjusted performance 4. Average pip/trade over 5-10 5. Stop loss set for each trade 6. Due diligence on trading discipline and style Once you meet our requirements, your name will be published on FxStat Tradebook list of providers and others can start following you.

Hey RichDe, the rules are very clear, but if you didn't read the previous posts, Mr. Superpredict doesn't employ the use of Stop Loss orders in his trading strategy, as such.... I am afraid he can't provide signals through FxStat.

Check Me At

25/07/2011 03:56 AM

帖子: 31
入会日期: 09/07/2011

Yes. my problem is only a STOP LOSS....because, if I set STOP LOSS into my journey, it will ruin my profit some other time. Better I manage it, how about if you set your own SL?

rullyforex to win you must equip full knowledge, and the most important is control yourself

30/07/2011 08:43 AM
bebbus1 User

帖子: 4
入会日期: 29/07/2011

I am new to trading you explain your strategy? thanks