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مَجا لِس کارکردگی Liquidity Management

Liquidity Management Verified real account

منافع: 6.71% کاروبار شروع ہوا: 12/16/2016
ڈراڈاون: 0.63% Abs ڈراڈاون: 0.00%
تمام پیپس: -1079.1 کارکردگی کی قسم: Real
کاروبار: Automated
صفحہ: 1
18/05/2018 02:30 PM
LiquidityM User

پوسٹ: 2
کب سے رکن ہے: 18/05/2018

Dear Fellow Traders , it's a pleasure to introduce our old safe system , Liquidity Management. If you are looking for a safe system, with solid money management, 1 year and half History (Account Age) with 1.62% max Drawdown ) we go !

28/05/2018 12:31 PM
LiquidityM User

پوسٹ: 2
کب سے رکن ہے: 18/05/2018

This month is going to end in the usual way here at Liquiidity Management: +0.47% absolute gain with a very stable equity line. 16 positive months in the last 17
Don't commit the error to understimate the 0.47% monthly return: our risk is always very very low , more info on the signal's page
Only one trade is still open and it is well in profit GBPJPY short running to take the most of the current trend

09/08/2021 12:11 AM
Asher User

پوسٹ: 276
کب سے رکن ہے: 31/03/2020

good results, you have connected this account in

صفحہ: 1