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Forums Suggestion Box Refine Search for Strategies
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Refine Search for Strategies

Page: 1
Nov 12, 2015 02:50 am
unioman User

Posts: 1
Member since: 07/11/2015

I am new to FXStat - but it seems quite difficult to find a good, up-to-date strategy. It would be nice to have the ability to:

1. Search for the name of a strategy or trader.

2. Prevent outdated strategies from showing (so many of the strategies listed seem inactive - latest activity could be months to over a year old, which really wastes your time trying to locate a strategy). Some strategies seemed to only last for 1 day.

3. Update what actually gets recorded under "Today%" or "Yesterday%" or "Week%" - on many of the strategies I clicked on to look at, these often showed the last activity from the strategy - even if it was months or a year away. I was expecting those fields to show me which strategies were actually traded in the last day or week.

4. There are some strategies I see under Performance that I cannot find under Autotrading - why? Are these private that require something additional to follow? It would be good to have some documentation on this in the FAQ section.

5. For those of us stuck with a US broker, it would be helpful to be able to locate a strategy that follows USA requirements (no hedging, first in first out).

Thank you.

Nov 20, 2015 06:00 pm

Posts: 939
Member since: 21/04/2011

Advance search options is definitely a good idea.

I support it.

Stick to your rules

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