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Forums Performanslar Alpari UK Classic

Alpari UK Classic Verified real account

Kar: 221.85% İşlem başladı: 06/30/2010
Drawdown: 47.81% Kesin drawdown: 0.00%
Toplam pip: 286.5 Performance Type: Real
Trade: Automated
Page: 1
28/03/2011 11:08 AM
shankhh User

Posts: 11
Member since: 28/03/2011

Hello Sir,

I have reviewed your results here

And they are looking awesome. I just want to know do you sell any signals, software or EA's. if yes, then please contact me here :

Please let me know I am interested to order.


Regards, Ravi

11/04/2011 10:30 PM
cmi Mirrorbeta

Posts: 8
Member since: 28/02/2011

Hello, I'm offering account management service.
About my service in short:

• Expected Annual Return On Investment (ROI) ~100%
• Maximal Draw Down (Max DD)

11/04/2011 10:31 PM
cmi Mirrorbeta

Posts: 8
Member since: 28/02/2011

• Maximal Draw Down (Max DD) less than 20%
• One trade risk 2%
• Minimum of investment 1000 €
• My performance fee: 30% from made profit

Client can choose what risk per trade to use 1%-4%.
It's strongly recommended that Alpari UK or TadawulFX brokers would be used.
Custom offers available for investments over 15000€

11/04/2011 10:31 PM
cmi Mirrorbeta

Posts: 8
Member since: 28/02/2011

• Maximal Draw Down (Max DD) less than 20%
• One trade risk 2%
• Minimum of investment 1000 €
• My performance fee: 30% from made profit

Client can choose what risk per trade to use 1%-4%.
It's strongly recommended that Alpari UK or TadawulFX brokers would be used.
Custom offers available for investments over 15000€

12/04/2011 06:56 PM
apple User

Posts: 3
Member since: 06/03/2011


I have an account at Alpari UK. I'm interested to participate in your program. What is the procedure to start?

Best regards,

Stefan Grauwels

12/04/2011 07:32 PM
cmi Mirrorbeta

Posts: 8
Member since: 28/02/2011

Thanks for asking, i've sent you a personal message with info.

20/08/2011 01:28 AM

Posts: 513
Member since: 08/02/2011

howw it is possible to pips in this format which broker you use dear Xynafx ... fund managers and forex signal service providers Minimum investment for our Forex managed Account service is $2k that will be managed individually in one investors account. XynaFx signals As low as $26 per Month.

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