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Forums Performances Bocoja I

Bocoja I Verified real account

Profit: 48.25% Trading Started: 05/17/2011
Drawdown: 34.82% Abs Drawdown: 2.31%
Total Pips: 92.9 Performance Type: Real
Trade: Manual
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03/10/2011 04:39 PM
javicolon Mirrorbeta

Posts: 12
Member since: 02/09/2011

Figures of this account
- Only manual trading
- Maximum leverage, 0,3 Lots for each 2000 euros, and I never exceed this leverage. The average leverage is 0,2 lots for each 2000 euros.
- I always open only one trade at the same time. Sometimes i can open two trades, but only if those trades have no correlation between each other.
- I trade every pair with less than 5 pips of spread
- My profit objetive is 10 to 200 pips, it will depend on the timeframe of my charts
- I don´t fix de S/L price at the time i open the trade, because i use other criteria to close the trades. In any case i close a trade with more than 200 pips of loss.
I hope you can set your money management based on the above assumptions. Enjoy my trade an thank you for following me.

19/10/2011 11:15 AM
bandreas2 Mirrorbeta

Posts: 12
Member since: 21/09/2010

I am following your account through autotrading and would be interessted to see you other accounts here as well. Very good trading.

20/10/2011 10:35 AM
javicolon Mirrorbeta

Posts: 12
Member since: 02/09/2011

I trade other accounts but they are based on the same entry strategies, they mostly differ only in the leverage, and therefore i dont want to publish them because they can confuse my followers.
Thank you for your comment.

12/11/2011 07:36 PM
javicolon Mirrorbeta

Posts: 12
Member since: 02/09/2011

I notice there is a mistake in my trading statement. I dont have any open trades now but in my stats appear three opened trades, that i have already closed, all three with positve results. 
I hope FXStat closed these trades to my followers... 

13/11/2011 07:24 PM
illiterate User

Posts: 561
Member since: 21/04/2011

Originally posted by javicolon

I notice there is a mistake in my trading statement. I dont have any open trades now but in my stats appear three opened trades, that i have already closed, all three with positve results. I hope FXStat closed these trades to my followers... 

If ur trading statement is updated after u closed then trades then it should appear. But if u have not updated statement then it will appear as open trades.

16/11/2011 09:14 PM
MMTrader Mirrorbeta

Posts: 4
Member since: 15/09/2011

At the moment I still have 3 trades open from you which are all in loss, One USDCHF from 11-03, one GBPUSD from 11-07 and one AUDUSD from 11-08.
I guess something went wrong when closing these??

16/11/2011 09:59 PM
javicolon Mirrorbeta

Posts: 12
Member since: 02/09/2011

Yes, something went wrong, you can check my trading statement here and you will see i closed all these three trades.
USDCHF 20.9 pips gain
GBPUSD 1.7 pips gain
AUDUSD 12.8 pips gain
I tried to alert all my followers at the time i noticed the problem. I cant do more...

17/11/2011 03:39 PM
davidalfonsi Mirrorbeta

Posts: 162
Member since: 22/06/2010

Hola Hombre! yo tambien vivo en España! :-)
can I drop you a message?

17/11/2011 03:40 PM
davidalfonsi Mirrorbeta

Posts: 162
Member since: 22/06/2010

by the way.. I am right behind you in the performance ranking :-)

19/11/2011 02:57 PM
Sasha User

Posts: 836
Member since: 16/05/2011

Your average trades per day are too low. Inspite of these low trades, you have very good profits. Is it bcoz you dont have much time for trading? By looking at your successful trades, I think you can generate more profits if you can give more time to trading.

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