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FXspace Verified demo account

Gewinn: 145.32% Trading Started: 11/30/2010
Drawdown: 28.42% Abs Drawdown: 10.90%
Pips Gesamt: 5329.4 Performance Type: Demo
Trade: Manual
08/02/2012 03:01 PM
morso Hostedbeta

Antworten: 55
Member since: 09/10/2010

New forecast, EUR/USD 4H chart

07/02/2013 08:01 PM

Antworten: 8
Member since: 18/10/2012

Wow - What went wrong for you all of last year? Lost a huge chunk of your account...?

08/02/2013 06:28 AM
morso Hostedbeta

Antworten: 55
Member since: 09/10/2010

I have changed country, I think that was the main reason. I had many troubles for building up everything from nothing, it took time and my performance.

20/03/2013 08:09 AM
morso Hostedbeta

Antworten: 55
Member since: 09/10/2010

Update: during the second half of last year a negative tendency occurred in my work. This happened due to problems caused by me moving to a country where technical and infrastructural problems – unstable internet and electricity - caused major difficulties. This experience showed me that I need to be more cautious when taking risks and be more patient with trading. So after 14 years I added another positive function to my trading strategy, this is to keep the lowest drowdawn in every condition, even during the possibility of adverse technical or fundamental circumstances. Also, during the last two years I have developed a new trading strategy which proved to be working successfully together with my old well-tested strategy and I attached it to my accounts. So after all the negative experiences, I created a safer strategy, got more psychological stability and constancy in my work. My target is to keep lower drowdawn, 2-5% with 60-70% annual income.

19/10/2016 12:15 PM
morso Hostedbeta

Antworten: 55
Member since: 09/10/2010

Due to the Varengold Bank FX platform problems my startegy will be moved to FXstat FX account, which is also my, just with different broker, if you still want to follow my strategy please link to the account above. Unfortunately my and all other account were closed at Varengold, this account is not active anymore.
Good luck

19/10/2016 01:39 PM
morso Hostedbeta

Antworten: 55
Member since: 09/10/2010

strategy will be moved to Fixart FX account which is in Autotrading

09/08/2021 12:21 AM
Asher User

Antworten: 276
Member since: 31/03/2020

you have connected this account in