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ValeryS-ATSR Verified real account

الأرباح: 669.25% بداية التداول: 02/04/2012
سحب: 23.38% السحب المطلق: 36.83%
مجموع النقاط: -16760.4 نوع الإداء: Real
المضاربه: Automated
صفحة: 1
28/08/2013 09:34 AM
A41010 User

مشاركات: 71
اشترك في: 14/08/2013

I cant understand your strategy... your winning in one account but losing almost with the same amounts on the other!!!!!1
can you explain!!

29/08/2013 01:03 PM

مشاركات: 72
اشترك في: 14/08/2013

You should create a public page to interact more

11/09/2013 11:43 AM
Nader22 User

مشاركات: 26
اشترك في: 22/08/2013

You have not closed any trade in the past 6 months !!
You are coming back to FxStat trading, Aren't u?

05/11/2013 08:43 PM

مشاركات: 8
اشترك في: 18/10/2012

Originally posted by A41010

I cant understand your strategy... your winning in one account but losing almost with the same amounts on the other!!!!!1can you explain!!

He is probably just hedging with a different broker for the purpose of carry trades... So he can essentially make a "risk free" (albeit with lag risk) trade whilst accruing profits from the interest inherent in the given currency position held.

06/11/2013 07:58 AM
ValeryS Hostedbeta

مشاركات: 3
اشترك في: 13/02/2013

Originally posted by A41010

I cant understand your strategy... your winning in one account but losing almost with the same amounts on the other!!!!!1can you explain!!

Damaged history in MT4. I'll try to repair it. Good chart is here:

صفحة: 1