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Spytrader Verified real account

الأرباح: 6325.07% بداية التداول: 06/11/2010
سحب: 8.44% السحب المطلق: 0.00%
مجموع النقاط: 5157.4 نوع الإداء: Real
المضاربه: Automated
صفحة: 1 2 >
11/07/2011 07:34 PM

مشاركات: 3
اشترك في: 17/06/2011

Dear sir,

i want to see ur EA, if possible then send me for demo.


16/07/2011 06:28 AM
Richde User

مشاركات: 114
اشترك في: 11/01/2011

Updated one month ago?:( What's going on dude? Come back, I like tracking scalping EA's as yours (even if the drawdown is really high).

Keep it simple stupid

20/08/2011 01:10 AM

مشاركات: 513
اشترك في: 08/02/2011

can u rent ur ea ? Xynafx ... fund managers and forex signal service providers Minimum investment for our Forex managed Account service is $2k that will be managed individually in one investors account. XynaFx signals As low as $26 per Month.

08/07/2013 12:14 PM
Folken User

مشاركات: 8
اشترك في: 04/07/2013

I love this one, nice ! :)

28/08/2013 09:03 AM
A41010 User

مشاركات: 71
اشترك في: 14/08/2013

Can you send me your EA??

28/08/2013 09:17 AM
FXEagles Hostedbeta

مشاركات: 6
اشترك في: 27/04/2012

Hello Sir, 
I just provide forex managed account service.
Please check my website:

Let money never sleep!

30/08/2013 09:12 AM
Seral123 User

مشاركات: 41
اشترك في: 20/08/2013

I like your trading... very good

02/09/2013 10:20 AM
Batool22 User

مشاركات: 80
اشترك في: 29/07/2013

Originally posted by Seral123

I like your trading... very good

Me too

18/09/2013 06:38 AM

مشاركات: 40
اشترك في: 20/08/2013

Can you send me your EA?!

24/10/2013 07:52 AM
Aseel88 User

مشاركات: 96
اشترك في: 29/07/2013

Dear trader,
I can see that you have not closed any trades lately, but i'm not sure wether i am right or it is just that you've changed your privacy settings!!!!
if u have, why?
Good luck

صفحة: 1 2 >