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5000 Pro Account not verified

الأرباح: 103.38% بداية التداول: 11/10/2010
سحب: 38.45% السحب المطلق: 0.10%
مجموع النقاط: 517.4 نوع الإداء: Real
المضاربه: Manual
صفحة: 1
10/01/2011 10:57 PM
re User

مشاركات: 3
اشترك في: 25/12/2010

I am curious about your strategy moneymanagement: What is the reason you lost21 big trade 2000-? and l 480.00 (biggest losses) did you change your strategy? and how? Would be nice to know...

06/09/2011 02:34 AM

مشاركات: 513
اشترك في: 08/02/2011

why iam not seeing the account verification it showing read color to me. Xynafx ... fund managers and forex signal service providers Minimum investment for our Forex managed Account service is $2k that will be managed individually in one investors account. XynaFx signals As low as $26 per Month.

صفحة: 1