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Foros Rendimientos PAMM GOLD

PAMM GOLD Verified demo account

Beneficios: 32209.15% Comienzo de la operación: 06/01/2012
Drawdown: 21.07% Drawdown absoluto: 0.00%
Total de pips: 12575.7 Performance Type: Demo
Trade: Automated
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13/06/2016 02:55 am
pammgold User

Mensajes: 4
Member since: 09/06/2016

PAMM GOLD SKYPE. pammgold E-mail. PAMM Minimum for client is 100 000€ individual Account. Minimum by Investor is 1 000 000€ BROKERS, Pepperstone, CITIfxPro, Oanda,FXCM, JFD, Nomura, XTB and other with regulation NFA and FSA pure ECN.


13/06/2016 02:56 am
pammgold User

Mensajes: 4
Member since: 09/06/2016

PAMM GOLD SKYPE. pammgold E-mail. PAMM Minimum for client is 100 000€ individual Account. Minimum by Investor is 1 000 000€ BROKERS, Pepperstone, CITIfxPro, Oanda,FXCM, JFD, Nomura, XTB and other with regulation NFA and FSA pure ECN.


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